Coding is no longer a science just for science kids. The critical and creative thinking skills students develop by learning basic computer coding are valuable no matter what their academic or career interest.

And thanks to such projects as the annual Hour of Code (coming up in December), the idea of programming has become more mainstream, and programming tools are more accessible to educators and learners.

One of the latest easy-entry tools is Google’s CS First. Using the Scratch online programming tool, CS First offers a free, fully developed coding curriculum for a wide range of ages and ability levels. With an intuitive, drag and drop interface students can create their own animation, interactive stories, and games—all built around themes in such broad subjects as music, art, sports, and design.

Once teachers create a CS First club using their Google sign-in credentials, they can request a physical packet that includes a poster board for brainstorming project ideas, badges for students to collect as they complete lessons, and sample solutions for CS First activities. The club also gives teachers access to coding lessons that don’t require students to have devices.

Vartek’s Classroom Technology Coaches can work with your teachers to integrate coding lessons like those in the CS First curriculum into the classroom. Click here to start the conversation with us about how to enhance integration at your school.