Are your students using tablets for games that aren’t contributing to their learning? Are teachers barely scratching the surface of what their new devices can do because the IT training the school provided was optional?

It’s easy to make big technology investments while missing the big technology picture and missing the chance to get meaningful returns from your IT investments.

As a national initiative to find best practices in educational technology integration, Project Red studied 1,000 K-12 schools to identify the keys to implementing a school IT program that works. Researchers found nine critical steps that educators must take if they want to increase student engagement and achievement with technology in the classroom.

Check out the “9 Keys for Successful School Technology Transformation” eGuide to learn these field-tested, research-driven steps—from creating a shared vision to planning mandatory ongoing training to building a solid infrastructure. These school technology elements are not always easy to assemble and manage. But they’re clear, and they’re proven.

Paying attention to evidence-based conclusions and working with professional educational IT providers can bring life to your school technology program and transform your learning environment.